The Society for Neuroscience Ottawa Chapter will host the 2024 Ottawa Brain Bee on Saturday March 23rd at Carleton University!
The student placing first in the Ottawa Brain Bee will win a paid summer internship at a Carleton University neuroscience lab and will have the opportunity to represent Ottawa at the 2024 CIHR Canadian National Brain Bee.
Study Resources
The Ottawa Brain Bee has developed a 10-week online prep course to help students study and prepare for the local competition. The prep course and competition questions were developed using:
1. “Neuroscience: Science of the Brain”
2. “Brain Facts” (2018 edition)
Additional resources can be found at https://sfn-ottawa.ca/brain-bee-study-resources/.
To register for the Ottawa Brain Bee and to gain access to the online prep course, please email us at ottawabrainbee@gmail.com.